Thank you for participating in our project!

1 Minute of Equilibrium in Education Series is a short video showcasing superintendents from the greater Boston area answering the following question: What is your school district currently doing to promote mental health wellness and school-life balance for students?

The purpose of this video is to celebrate the schools who are taking the time to support their students. Since the beginning of the pandemic, many students have been increasingly isolated, and we want to ensure that school is a place where students can feel happy and safe. Whether you’re a parent, educator, or student, wellness in education is something we all care about. We wanted to take this opportunity to bring the community together to hear about the great things different schools are doing to promote wellness for students.

What you can do:

  • Record a ~1 minute video answering the above question
  • Submit the video file in the link below

If you can submit this video by Wednesday, August 11th, that would be great! We’ll take care of the rest! Thank you for being a part of this incredible experience!

We thank you for your time and for everything you do,

When Toys Age

Video Submissions