Quality of Student Life Index 1 – Strongly disagree | 2 – Disagree | 3 – Neither agree nor disagree | 4 – Agree | 5 – Strongly agree 1. My experience in school encourages me to think about what I want for my career *123452. The faculty are knowledgeable in their subject areas *123453. My school values its students and not just academic performance *123454. I am taking care of my mental wellbeing (stress, mental health) *123455. I am developing an effective learning process *123456. The faculty care about my success *123457. My school is a safe and friendly environment for students *123458. I am taking care of my physical well being (sleep, exercise, nutrition) *123459. I feel that the lessons learned in school are valuable and applicable to life *1234510. I am getting the right amount of challenge in my classes & coursework *1234511. I feel engaged with the school community *1234512. I take interest in the courses offered and am gaining subject knowledge *1234513. I am cultivating meaningful relationships (family, friends, mentors) *1234514. I have agency over my big life decisions and the general course of my life *1234515. Students and faculty embrace the school spirit *1234516. I am developing emotional skills to manage fear and emotional stress *1234517. The faculty create an engaging and collaborative classroom experience *1234518. I feel comfortable approaching faculty for non-academic-related issues *1234519. My school gives me access to outside opportunities (job fairs, internship programs) *1234520. I am able to balance academics and all other aspects of my life *1234521. I am developing time and self management skills to become more organized and efficient *1234522. Every person has equal opportunity to succeed here *1234523. I am learning about myself and continuously growing as an individual *1234524. I am satisfied with the activities offered by my school and the greater school community *1234525. Students treat one another with kindness and respect *1234526. I believe that skill is developed through hard work and am not afraid to seek assistance when necessary *1234527. The work I’m given is of value and not just busy work *1234528. My school embraces diversity and is accepting of each individual *1234529. Classroom settings are comfortable and conducive to learning (temperature, seating) *1234530. I feel comfortable approaching faculty for academic-related issues *1234531. I feel that my voice is heard and that my opinion matters *1234532. I feel more confident in my ability to succeed after graduation *1234533. I am learning to apply my skills and talents outside the classroom *1234534. I am cultivating my interests (hobbies, recreational activities) *1234535. I have close friends here that I feel comfortable opening up to *12345Send Message